The obvious intent behind having a business card is to offer up your contact information to a prospective customer. Even if the person you give it to does not directly become a customer, they may pass it along to a friend or family member just as easily. Sometimes passing out your card does not yield instant gratification. It may take time for your card to work, if ever.
Does that mean that business cards are no longer effective as a means for getting more business? Hardly. Business cards remain a constant in the business world. Even with iPhone and smart phones of today, people can download free apps that will allow the user to view your card on-the-fly, simply by taking a snapshot of it. The contact information is then stored within the person’s phone to be accessible anytime, so if someone happens to ask that person if they “know someone” who does what you do, then they can instantly go into their stored information on the smart phone and pull up your phone number.
Aside from the branding opportunities, having a professional business card makes a better impression than simply saying, “I’m an artist,” or “I do carpentry work.” So aside from just passing them out to random strangers, how else can you use business cards to maximize exposure?
How about as bookmarks? Gift tags? Or taped to a special letter? Use rubber cement to make it look more professional and so the customer can remove the card without damaging the letter or ripping the card.
Also, use high quality paper. Most business cards come in a variety of paper weights, including text or card stock and glossy or matte finishes. This is similar to photographs, which also come in a variety of choices. Speaking of photos, you should definitely put your picture somewhere on the card, either on the front or back. This helps to create comfort amongst your clients who may have never seen you before, such as those times when someone gives out your card on your behalf. It also helps people to remember you by seeing your face on the card.
Business cards today are not so much unlike the business cards we have been using for eons in the corporate world, except now there are more choices, varieties and creative options than ever before. LakeShore Graphics designs and prints business cards – not just for our local and regional clients from Abita Springs to New Orleans and beyond – but for those in far reaching communities who still prefer personalized attention. Get a quote on business cards for your company today.